Great questions to ask when selecting your photographer

When selecting a photographer there are many questions to ask, answers to these questions will help in the decision making process and increase the likelihood of selecting a great photographer that meets all of your needs. The questions below are just a few that can be asked, so feel free to also add some more of your own when hiring your next photographer.Wedding picture on beach

1)    Which photography genres and themes do you specialise in?

The majority of photographers are capable of working across many genres of photography, but all will tend to have their specialisms. If experience and portfolio is important to you ask what the specialisms of the photographer are.

Here at Caroline Trotter Photography for example we have specialisms in:

We also work across a wide range of other genres too, but the above are our specialisms.

Here at Caroline Trotter Photography we have a number of specialisms including pet’s photography

2)    Which formats can you supply photographs in?

This is a good question, because asking this avoids disappointment later. Photographs can be supplied in different formats, e.g. photographs, DVD, online library, etc. It is important to obtain the type of photograph format required and it’s always best to state this from the outset as it may even have implications on the photo shoot itself. Alternative formats can be important for certain requirements, e.g. photos for an eCommerce sites.

3)    Can I view some photos from your portfolio?

The final products of any photography assignment are the photographs themselves so it’s always highly advisable to view their portfolio or gallery before committing to a contract with the photographer. After all in the world of photography, images speak far more than words can.

The majority of photographers will publish (at least) some of their portfolio online, whereas others will prefer to print out samples. Viewing portfolios of course is only part of the story; it’s also a great idea to seek testimonials of previous clients wherever possible.

To view the galleries of Caroline Trotter photography click this link, we have a number of gallery areas highlighting our specialisms.

A classic wedding photograph from the Caroline Trotter Photography portfolio

4)    What camera equipment do you use?

Particularly for customers who are knowledgeable to some extent about photography it’s a good idea to enquire about available camera equipment. For some specialist types of shoots specialist equipment will be required (e.g. underwater, time lapse, etc.)

Understanding the type of equipment available may be another factor which is important to some customers in selecting the best photographer for them.

5)    What insurance coverage do you have?

It’s a question that many customers wouldn’t think of but it’s always wise to check the insurance coverage that a professional photographer has. The professional photographer you choose should have professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance coverage.

Feel free to ask us some questions!

Here at Caroline Trotter Photography we welcome questions, so please feel free to get in touch and ask away! We can be contacted by phone on 07933 510243. Also feel free to send an e-mail to