
Portrait Photographs

”Hi Caroline
Thank you so much for taking my family photographs for a second time.
We are really, really pleased with the images and to be totally honest surprised that you managed to get such wonderful photos!!
My favourite quote of the day was, ” the handbag has to go!” It makes me smile everytime I think of my mother-in-law sat in her coat clutching her bag!”
Much love

”Dear Caroline,
It was lovely to see you, Mungo and Tilly again and to have a chance to visit your studio and beautiful garden, and finally meet Christopher, operating his magic in the kitchen.
Like always, we had fun posing for the pictures and we think they look amazing. Our favorites? Again, too hard to choose so we’ve decided to buy the pendrive with all the pictures.”

‘The portraits of the children are so amazing. Could not have imagined any better!  THANKYOU.’

”Hi Caroline , thank you for the photos they are brilliant!! I’m going to have real trouble choosing the ones to go in the album. I would love to come back down to the studio to compile the album, your next available Saturday would be good! Thank you once again for you patience it was once again a lovely experience, hope to see you soon.”   

”The photos are fab – thank you so much!!   We’ve had a lovely browse over the weekend and are having difficulty deciding what to go for!   There are several possible family groups, ALL of the ones of Rosanna are gorgeous (not that I’m  biased or anything!), and there are a couple of her and Skipper that I love too.  hmmm..  Tricky decisions!!   I bet there were plenty of images discarded, particularly with Skipper misbehaving??!!”

”Hi Caroline
Just to let you know that the photos arrived safe and well and they are wonderful! Just delighted.   Thanks once again
You are a very talented lady!”

”Dear Caroline
Thank you so much for these they are fantastic and a great memento of such a memorable weekend, I’ve sent them on to all the children who are so pleased.
Thank you again, the photos are the best think I have ever bought  !!”

Best wishes   Mark