Why you should employ a professional photographer for your wedding


Brides often talk about having dreamt of the day they get married since they were little girls. The grown up ‘you’ might have a few lessons to teach your younger self given the chance, but if there’s one piece of advice you can pass down, it’s this: don’t make a compromise that you’ll regret in years to come! We’re not talking about the choice of husband though, we’re talking about the choice of photographer! Here’s why you should employ a professional to snap the start of your incredible journey.

More Than a Fancy Camera

Don’t be fooled, there are plenty of people out there with expensive gear, but not the experience to know how to wield it. Thousands of hours of training and experience is why you need to hire a professional, rather than getting a ‘friend of a friend with a good camera’ to take care of one of the biggest days of your life. Of course, friends and family might even be great in their field of photography too, but wedding specific knowledge and experience of shots is a must. You don’t want somebody to be learning on the job, you want somebody who knows exactly what to do with the limited time they’ve got; once you’ve walked down the aisle, you’re not going to get a ‘re-do’ for your photographer to find a better angle.

Getting the Light Right

Wedding photography is perhaps some of the most difficult to master, because of the sheer variety in location and light. Your big day will mean you’ll need a camera on task from dawn till dusk, and on into the night! A professional will have a great understanding of how to get the best out of wherever, and whenever you are. When you’re looking for that sunset silhouette of the bride and groom, or a late night dancefloor shot that isn’t too dark to make out what’s going on, it’s vital to understand what settings will capture that perfect moment before it’s gone.

A professional who knows how to handle the light in any setting will mean that you can go for those bespoke locations you dreamed of, without worrying about how the quality of your pictures will come out.

High Pressure

Any bride (and maybe the occasional groom) will tell you just how stressful a wedding can be. Planning is one thing, then the execution is another. Ideally all things will go swimmingly, but it takes a lot of hard work and excellence on those involved to make your day exactly as you dreamed it would be. You deserve nothing less, and that’s why you need a professional that will help you manage your day, not be another issue to manage.

Knowing that someone with experience is taking care of your photography means that you can tick one more thing off your mental ‘check’ list as a beautiful bride whose head could do with a few less things to worry about. Peace of mind comes from having someone who can take charge, relieve and ease any stress that might be in the atmosphere, whilst at the same time directing people to get the shots you want. You don’t need quiet and timid, you need friendly but firm, sure and precise. You need a professional photographer that will carry the highest level of excellence and attention to detail in even the most stressful of moments.

Budgets and Backups

When it comes to wedding photos you really do get what you pay for. Professional photographers now offer a vast range of fantastic packages that will suit your budget, so you don’t have to go beyond your means in order to get something you’re happy with. Many companies offer the option of additional video, photo books, and even digital copies of more photos that were taken on a USB, so there won’t be a moment that you miss out on when having to choose a set from so many gorgeous shots!

In addition to finding the perfect deal to suit your needs and your price range, you’re also guaranteed a professional service. Rather than depending on that friend of a friend to turn up on time, do a good job and get your photos turned around in and amongst their full time job, you’ll have a dedicated pro working on your content and adding those finishing touches that only experience can bring. One of the most reassuring parts of hiring a professional is that there are also guarantees should anything go wrong. A professional photographer will have a network of backup photographers that will leave your wedding in good hands, should they fall ill, or there are other circumstances beyond control. Peace of mind is quite possibly one of the most valuable wedding presents that you could ask for.


It’s your big day and it need to be perfect. There might be some leeway in the seating plan, or maybe on the shade of roses you requested, but some things you just should not compromise on. The build up to your wedding takes months, even years, but the day often seems to fly by! The best way to remember those precious 24 hours, are with stunning photos that will last a lifetime. Make those memories perfect, and employ a professional photographer for your wedding.