Some of the foodie shoots in 2017

I LOVE photographing food. So happily I have had a great year with lots of interesting commissions. Below are some of my favourites

I started the year in Taynuilt at the Etive Restaurant. A realtively new overhaul at the Taynuilt Hotel. Definately worth popping in for on the way to Oban!

Bibis Little Baking School in Elie. A new enterprise with Fiona Pratt at the Helm. I had a day there learning about Sourdough – was such a great day and I came away with a culture, which 8 months later is still going strong!

Kushis in Dunfermline – some of the best Indian Food I have tried.

However – do remember to take your own bottle as it is not liscensed

Allanhill Farm. I was there really to photograph the strawberry picking – but couldnt resist a few shots in their delightful cafe

A commercial studio shoot for Dundee Gin

A return visit to The Tailend is always welcome. This time in Dundee. Some of the best fish and chips around 2017-12-31_0011.jpg

A food shoot at the Fairmont , St Andrews . Afternoon tea is a must

A studio session for Innovate foods. Their development chef Vas and I had a wonderful day styling and creating!

The Apartment in Edinburgh is definately worth a visit

East Scrynes Fruit Farm Tea Room – a lovely rustic setting near Carnoustie, Dundee. Delious home baking , approved by Scruff!

There is a new Muffin Book out by Susan Reimer, or rather a re-print. We had 5 days in the studio shooting 58 different types of American Muffins.
The book is lovely. 2017-12-31_0010.jpg

The Real Food Cafe in Tyndrum Argyll. Fantastic baking, soups, fish and chips AND very dog friendly

A Christmas shoot for Loch Leven’s Larder. We had a great day in October photographing all their Christmas produce for their brochure. Emma Niven is the very talented stylist here – making my job so much easier 2017-12-31_0009.jpg

VisitScotland have launched a Porridge Trail. The shoot took place at Ballintaggart Farm near Grandtully. A ”foodie haven” [or heaven?] with two beautiful letting rooms. Loved it so much I booked both rooms for a treat at the end of January with friends. 2017-12-31_0015.jpg

And finally – I had two visits to Kanpai Sushi in Edinburgh.  The most amazing and delicious Sushi.  I would thoughly recommend a visit.  So very fresh and great attention to detail.

Just some of the lovely work I get to do – and the perks?? I get to try the food! Quite often it comes home with me for supper!!