Lockdown Photos

Three weeks ago this was the  message I posted on the Local Community Facebook page :-

”I would like to make some record of this extraordinary time in history.   I  wonder if anyone would be willing to take part in a ”doorstep photo project ”   locally.

The idea is that on my daily walk I could come by your house,  keeping the social distancing rules and take a quick photo of whoever is in your household on your doorstep or in your garden.  No need to think about it just come out in whatever you are wearing and with any pets.  I would take a picture from at least 6 feet away [ I have a long lens!] and maybe eventually we could have a local exhibition of the images. ”

I did not expect the over whelming response I received – over 140 households said YES. !! 

So off I set with with my trusty companions –  Tilly & Mungo [  who insisted in being in some of the photos]


Here are a few selected at random:-    scroll down to the bottom for a link to them all.

For me it was a fantastic experience and a really great personal project.  I met so many lovely new people,  had a lot of chat and as you can see from the photos  – a lot laughter.  What was very apparent was the huge amount of positiveness and above all a feeling of a very special community pulling together.  I feel very proud and humbled to be part of it.  A HUGE thank you to everyone who took part.  

If you would like to see them all –  here is the link  Doorstep Photos