Jo & Grant’s wedding

I absolutely love being part of someones special day and what a truely wonderful wedding day Jo & Grant had last month.

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Here comes Jo, looking amazing, with the cutest flower girls.
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I think bestman Russell looked more nervous then the Grant! 2017-06-09_0005.jpg

A very lovely service in All Saints – St Andrews 2017-06-09_0006.jpg

The new Mr & Mrs Milne 2017-06-09_0007.jpg

The rain didn’t matter one bit. Love a shot with some brollies!2017-06-09_0008.jpg

Back to the farm for the reception. The flowers were absolutely gorgeous with different shades of powder blue 2017-06-09_0009.jpg

A break in the weather so get some B&G photos in the orchard with family
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Party time 2017-06-09_0013.jpg

The wedding party 2017-06-09_0015.jpg

Waiting to make an entrance into the marquee


Cake cutting and speeeches

Congratulations,  thank you for having me there to share your day.  What a privelage