Dog-a-blog. The adventures of the office managers

We – Mungo and Tilly [ aka the office managers] took our owners of on a wee break to the west coast this week.  Mistress would like to point out that the photos were taken on an iphone [ except for the squirrel]

Here we are at the Crinan Canal.  We encountered that wet stuff.  Rain !    We do look a bit damp –  made us a bit smelly too.  Lovely –  just how we like it.



Lovely sunsets though once the rain had stopped.  End of the day means dinner time to us!



We do like a good outing and  a good view.  Here we are admiring the scenery at Tighnabruich.  Weather was beginning to cheer up too


Here I am [ Mungo] waiting for the ferry to come in for the Isle of Bute.   If they expect me to go on that  –  they are very much mistaken.


Turns out they did expect us to!!   However we stayed in the car and it was fine.   

We were also left in the car while owners went round Mount Stuart –  we were not impressed with that plan.  

We did get a trip into the walled garden though –  here I am pretending to be a garden statue.  Not sure why I did that 


We were allowed out after that and had  a nice trip to the beach .  That apparently is Arran in the background

The following day saw us planning a visit to Ben More Gardens. [ on a lead –  not ideal – esp as there were squirrels that needed chasing]

Very impressive trees I am told.  They were certainly good for marking one’s territory on.

Off to lunch next. Our owners do like to eat .  Didn’t look that great to us. We were assured it was delicious though.    We did a round of the tables when our owners were not looking to see if there was any hoovering up to be done.   However, as a holiday treat we had oatcakes, cheese and chutney for our bedtime snacks.  Made us throw up in the night though,  so we were not very popular.  It wasn’t our fault though!!

But we did get to have a lovely cooling swim in Loch Fyne –  just the job for hot dogs


The end.  Please do leave a comment –  we love to hear from our fan club